Saya Di Tagged?? ==

Good Evening readers...:)  How are you??sehat kan.. :)  okay,,actually nak bagitahu yang tadi aku di TAGGED...ta tahu lah,,tadi ataw semalam..tapi sama jer kan?? :) umie diTAGGED oleh bloggers jugak...ta beberapa kenal dea..cume kenal di BLOG..heee...thanx dear.. :)  so,,alang2 aku di online and update blog,,meh aku jawab soalan2 dea,,sekaligus,,TAG kat orang lain...kawan2 yang aku TAG,,,jawab taw soalan2 umie.. :) soalan kat bawah sekali.. :)

1 : You must post these RULES.
2 : Each person must POST 11 things about themselves in their journal.
3 : Answer the questions the tagger set for you in their post. And create 11 new questions for the people you tagged to answer.
4 : You have to choose 11 people to tag and link them to the post.
5 : Go to their page and tell them you have tagged him/her.
6 : No tag backs.
7 : No stuff in the tagging section about "You are tagged if you're reading this" you legitimately (a.k.a really, trust, with all honesty) have to tag 11 people.

yg nie soalan dari LissaAllemanda..yang tag aku...thankss. :)

 p/s = Q for Question,,A for Answer..:)

Q : Suka GF/BF yang macam mana? 
A : Tak kisah yang macam mana,,as long terima Umie. :)  
*tak tahu nak jawab cmne*

Q : Harta atau keikhlasan?
A : Nak dua-dua. :)  
*macam tamak jer*

Q : Awak rasa saya ni comel tak? 
A : Lissa,,saya rasa saya lagi comel. :) 
*kidding la Lissa*

Q : Paling suka tengok apa?
A : Suke sangat tengok muka mamat2 Korea. :)
*fanatik nye*

Q : Nak kawen masa umur berapa?
A : 26 tahun. :)
*Sebenarnya nak jawab sekarang,tapi malu*

Q : One word describe yourself.
A : Funny. :)
*Kawan2 saya cakap saya nie kelakar*

Q : Pendapat tentang perempuan yang ber make up.
A : Jangan make up over sangat,nanti kena KUTUK. :)
*ta suke make up,tapi suke pakai EYELINER*

noww,,soalan dari Umie. :)

1 : Suka Umie tak?
2 : Sesuai tak kalau Umie jadi lelaki?
3 : Best single ke couple?
4 : Bagi satu nama lelaki.
5 : Bagi satu nama perempuan.
6 : Honeymoon nanti nak dekat mana?

okeeyyy...tu soalan2 dea,,so,,kat budakbudak yg ak tag kan nie,,jawab la yer..:)  dapat tag kat 6 orang jer...line lambat..macam siput...sorryy.. :)

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Sekiann.. ^^